Embracing Your Journey Towards Wholeness: Radically Accepting Your Mental Illness

A person holding up a note that says you are beautiful.

Alberto Valle July 3rd, 2023 Throughout all of human existence, mental illness has cast shadows upon our souls, challenging our resilience and distorting our perception of self. However, there is a powerful paradigm shift taking place—a movement that encourages us to embrace our mental health challenges with radical acceptance while refusing to let them define…

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Healing with Perspective and Nature

A cloud formation with the sun shining through.

By Yarlin Valle Well, to provide some context regarding my journey, I grew up in a religious Christianhome. Both of my parents were pastors, and I have four siblings, including a youngersister who shares the same father and mother. Growing up, there was a strongemphasis from my parents for me to fit into the mold…

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Researches impact on mental health treatments

A blurry image of a person with a computer screen.

Embracing the Dawn of Hope: How New Research Illuminates Mental Health Treatment Alberto Valle July 3rd, 2023 In the realm of mental health, a new dawn of hope is emerging. Recent research has shed light on groundbreaking advancements in mental health treatment, bringing forth a transformative shift in our approach to healing. Together we’ll explore…

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Nurturing Resilience: Preventing and Supporting Yourself DuringMental Illness Spikes

A woman raises her fist in the air.

Alberto ValleJuly 3rd, 2023 Navigating mental illness can be challenging, but there is hope. By understanding the intricacies of our mental health and implementing effective strategies, we can better prevent and support ourselves during spikes in our well-being. This article explores evidence-based insights from various scholarly articles, shedding light on proactive measures we can take…

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“Accepting myself”

A colorful painting of a woman 's face with feathers on it.

I’m not really sure how to start one of these, but I’ll give it my best shot. If I had to start from the beginning, I guess my mental health journey began at a very young age, around 7 years old. I grew up in a strict, verbally, and physically abusive household where the only…

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Building a Positive and Healthy Online Mental Health Narrative: Empowering Online Well-being

A woman with her head in the air and sun shining through

Promoting Empathy and Supportive Communities Imagine a world where your online adventures aren’t just about likes and followers but about creating a vibrant community that uplifts mental well-being. Picture this: You’re navigating the virtual cosmos, surrounded by like-minded friends who understand and support you. Together, you’re on a mission to reshape the digital landscape, crafting…

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